He was the first CO that I remember growing up. What ever happened
to him?
My Name is of No Consequence
JoinedPosts by My Name is of No Consequence
Does anyone remember Bryan Bush – CO in western PA back in the late 1980’s?
by My Name is of No Consequence inhe was the first co that i remember growing up.
what ever happened to him?.
My Name is of No Consequence
ANNUAL MEETING LETTER - To Zimbabwe congregations
by The Fall Guy ina nonprofit corporation .
watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania .
private bag wg-5001, westgate, zimbabwe telephone 08677 004 012; 0772 472 403/4 .
My Name is of No Consequence
After all of this, how can ANYONE say that that there is no contraction in borg land??
What was the biggest thing that convinced you that
by Ponyo in.....the truth was not the truth... ?
My Name is of No Consequence
Among other things, the “overlapping generations” did it for me.
Interesting conversation with JW friend
by Jules Saturn ini was withh a friend of mine who is a jw still and for whatever reason we started talking the bible.
i asked him about lazarus and how is that when he died he paid the price of sin, but then jesus resurrected him.
and i asked him "where is lazarus today?
My Name is of No Consequence
Excellent point! How would the dubs explain Eutychus at Acts 20:9?
Grocery Store conversation with an elder
by problemaddict 2 ini'm inactive here to the local jw's as i have faded.
i've been slandered and all that, shunned by some but not all, but the elders basically leave me alone.
i still run into to people all over though.
My Name is of No Consequence
@ problemaddict2:
Haha! Nice one. Hopefully that elder doesn’t try to get you dfed.
"The shootings in Las Vegas show how much we need God's Kingdom"
by Sour Grapes inmy jw wife, like all of us, was saddened by the senseless killings in nevada.
she said, "the shootings just shows how much we need god's kingdom.
" i replied, "yes if it was armageddon, jehovah wouldn't have left any survivors.
My Name is of No Consequence
@ Sour Grapes:
Morris and Lett are anointed, so they will be in heaven. But then again who knows at this point. You certainly gave your wife a "drop the mic and exit the stage" moment.
Need help understanding the Overlapping Generation teaching
by Jules Saturn inso this is a topic that seriously boggles my mind and please correct me if i'm wrong.
to me, the jw definition of the overlapping generation teaching is that the lives of the anointed from 1914 overlap with the lives of the anointed right now.
david splane used the example of fred franz and how he finished his "earthly course" in 1992 but while he did, he had a lot of "contemporaries" that outlived him and are currently living today.
My Name is of No Consequence
BTW...you gotta love Splane's comb-over.
Need help understanding the Overlapping Generation teaching
by Jules Saturn inso this is a topic that seriously boggles my mind and please correct me if i'm wrong.
to me, the jw definition of the overlapping generation teaching is that the lives of the anointed from 1914 overlap with the lives of the anointed right now.
david splane used the example of fred franz and how he finished his "earthly course" in 1992 but while he did, he had a lot of "contemporaries" that outlived him and are currently living today.
My Name is of No Consequence
How many generations do you see in this picture?
The world: 3
The dubs: 1
JW Rumor: End of the Traveling Overseer
by Edison Trent ina friend of mine has contacts to a family with several circuit overseers and special pioneers.
they have good connections to bethel.. he told me that the latest rumor from bethel states that the cos should be abolished in their present form.
they have also recently begun to take cos back to bethel.. over the same channel i have already heard of the car fleet program and that the dos should be abolished.. has anyone else already heard of it?
My Name is of No Consequence
Good. Our CO is a douchebag anyway.
The Challenges and Benefits of Home-Schooling
by pale.emperor ina pro jw forum.
interesting reading, very one sided of course:.
My Name is of No Consequence
Virtually all of the school aged kids in my hall were/are homeschooled. Most of them have no social skills and would not last a day “in the world”. Maybe that is the point, to keep them dependent on the borg.